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Your Brave, Global Career 

Coaching to Your Biggest Dreams

Intensive career coaching program to expand your professional impact by stepping into your bravery, taking fierce action, and creating global impact.

You don’t need to manage your expectations and you don't need to play small. You can reach for more, impact more, change more.


In your career, you’ve certainly got what it takes to achieve - even overachieve - goals. You can not only get it done, you can decide what gets done. 


But diving into a new career goal isn’t easy when you are managing your expectations from the start. When you are playing small. Asking for and hoping for ... and therefore, creating, less.




From the outside it all looks good: you’ve got a decent salary, a reasonable title, a positive professional reputation. When others look at you, they see success. But when you look in the mirror you know you’ve got more within you. Somewhere. 


It is in there. Your innate bravery. 


You’ve been successful…but:

You are on social media a lot (you know about your college roommate’s promotion almost as soon as they do) but you’re asking why her? How did she do it?

You’re solving problems but yawning your way through it because you’ve already solved these problems with knowledge and skills you already have. 


You tune out or even skip meetings and still rock your tasks but you’ve lost sight of your motivation because you’re coasting… and you hate coasting. 


You do more than is expected but still get leapfrogged by people with less experience, less commitment, less drive, and less impact because you don’t connect to the right people and you don't ask for what you want. And when you read another announcement with another set of names for another set of opportunities at work you didn’t even know about…you wonder, “do I even have what it takes?” (Guess what – you absolutely do). 

You know you can do much more than “just fine.” You know you can take on a different role with a greater impact on the world.


You know you don’t need to settle.


You DO have what it takes. You can be brave. You’ve got EXACTLY what it takes to make a fierce impact on the world.

I get it because I’ve been there. I worked hard to achieve my dream role at a Fortune 500 corporation. My younger me was blown away – as was my community – and for a few years it was A-MA-ZING. 


Until it wasn’t.


I knew I didn’t want to move even further up the ladder, but I also knew I couldn’t keep trying to be happy with 'enough.' I needed to learn, stretch, grow. I needed to make an impact on more than just one corner of the world.


I needed to stop managing my expectations, build by bravery skill, and take fierce action to to move from ‘fine’ to ‘GREAT!.’

And you can too:


You hear about your friend’s big news in person because you’re learning so much and growing even more at work that you haven’t even been tempted to check Facebook.


You get to work early and rewatch that tutorial because you’re building new skills to solve problems that are actually challenging you.


You are leading the decision meetings because you’re all in, you’re motivated, and your career is on the fast track again.


You get handpicked for a new, global position at work because you’ve been making a big impact and it’s clear you have what it takes.


You are leaping forward with exciting challenges and this is just the start of your growth.

It may sound strange, or even impossible.


I mean, everyone settles sometimes and, really, even thinking about bravely asking for what you want and fiercely driving impact feels ... well, petrifying. 


You could reach for more and feel overwhelmed. You could even fail...oh my god, now you feel like you could fail! 


But it don't have to freeze into accepting what is right in front of you. And let’s be honest, you hate accepting what is right in front of you and you love learning, trying new things, leaping forward in your own unique way. 


You’ve stepped up before, acted bravely before, and you CAN do it again. You have what it takes and you can prove it.

 “I thought my career path was done and I was stuck in the same job until I retired. I was wrong. Working with Nicole gave me clarity, skills, and the OOPMF. Now I earn more, and I have a whole new topic to grow in. Most importantly, I can keep making sure I can grow all the way until retirement.”


Carl, Director at a Fortune 500, Canada


Your Unique Program

Just like your specific career goal is unique to you, your coaching package is designed to meet your needs.


You will start with the a Fierce Four Months intensive program to managed expectations and lowered bars to challenged and fiercely growing so you can reach another level of success.  You will get extremely specific goal, design your strategy and action plan, and create the foundation for fierce leaps forward. 


You will continue with a uniquely designed coaching package to address unexpected obstacles and opportunities, deepen your bravery skills, and ensure your follow-through is powerful and sustained. 


You know you can do much more than “just fine.”


You know you don’t need to settle.


You DO have what it takes. You can be brave.


You’ve got EXACTLY what it takes to be fierce and make fierce impact. 

Heya, I’m Nicole.


I grew up in a single-parent household, including years on welfare. I knew how to strive & achieve through high school, college, and my first few career steps. But then I found myself beyond where I originally aimed.


I had a great title, salary, and travel schedule but I starting feeling limited… while still working long hours. I struggled for two years and tried so many things that didn’t work.


Then I wove together my coaching, change management, and project management skills to move from my ‘I guess this is alright’ to my ‘I am on FIRE!’


Over the past five years, I’ve worked with numerous professionals & executives who were struggling just like I was. On the outside, they had success. On the inside, they were playing small, asking for less, creating the same-old, same-old.


Today many of them – including me! – are still using this approach to consistently create a career that excites and rewards them. They play big and they are growing ever more brave to make a real difference in the world.



“Nicole weaves together so many skills with clarity and motivation that suddenly it has to be clear: Action! Results! My job and my life are so different now. Without working with her, I don't think I would have realized that what was missing was board membership. I keep using the approach and I keep enjoying my life.”

Ute, VP and Organizational Board Member, Germany 


Here’s what you’ll get when you invest in yourself with the Brave, Global Coaching.:


Eight, intensive coaching sessions - in total 8 hours of 1:1 coaching with me in the first 16 weeks. 


A uniquely designed, ongoing coaching program of between 4-20 sessions over the following 10 months. 



Month 1: Set the Stage 

Together we will explore why you are ready to grow, what is holding you back, and where you’ll get the biggest results. We’ll go deep into values and priorities & deepen your belief that you have what it takes.

  • Get clear on what is missing

  • Align your WHY to your values & priorities

  • Take your first steps forward by building the vision of what you want for the future


Month 2: Shift Your Focus

You will build upon your why, values, priorities, and vision to identify the significant steps required to move from settling to stepping forward in your career. At the end of month two, you will already be taking your first brave steps. 

  • Clarify what big actions & accomplishments are required to reach your goal

  • Specify the people and groups you need to connect to and/or collaborate with and why

  • Take your first brave steps


Month 3: Step Towards Brave Expectations 

You will move deeply into action, getting highly specific about how your belief, your big blocks, and your partners will sustain your bravery and start towards fierceness.

  • Get concrete with the steps required for each big block

  • Schedule each of those steps to identify collision points, reduce change weight, and holistically move towards your goal


Month 4: Say “Hello!” to Your Fierce, Growth Mindset & Plan

This is it: the commitment. Commitment to your clear, executable, and fierce action plan that will create fierce results. 

  • Deep dive into the experience & results of first actions and ensure you are set up for sustained growth

  • Discuss any last concerns & questions



Months 5-18: The Biggest Dream Becomes a Daily Reality

The impact grows and the change becomes reality. You will face unexpected challenges, opportunities, and obstacles. Together, we'll make sure you continue moving towards your end goal with confidence, bravery, and results. 


When you click the “I’m Ready!” button, you’ll reach out to me to schedule your free 30 minute strategy call. We’ll use this time to ensure that this intensive program is right for you, right now.


Q: This sounds great, but do the results really pay off? Is it worth the fee?

A: The cost of this program is less than you’ll spend on your next smartphone. You can either continue to waste hours a day on that smartphone looking at social media while you’re bored at work… OR you can stare at your new growth of challenges and growth. Most of the people I work with increase their income within six months. So, while this is an investment to consider, what you really cannot afford is continuing to settle for boredom, frustration, and getting passed over when you can have so much more.

Q: I have a full-time job and the rest of my life to balance. How much time will it really take to complete the program?

A: I get it. You’ve got a lot on your plate. I’ve fine-tuned this approach to efficiently leverage time in line with results. For four months, you commit two hours for the live sessions. And will chose to join the community Q&A sessions each month. Most clients choose to spend additional time on their action plan because they know it will bring them results.

Eight to sixteen hours over four months is a small drop in the bucket, considering you spend almost 350 hours a month at work.

Q: I think I may start my own company/freelance. Is this program right for me?

A: In one word: no. There are many amazing programs available to help people transition to the entrepreneurial world. Get the best bang for your money and go to the experts. If you decide that you want to shift from coasting to flying in your career, I look forward to speaking with you!

This sounds great, but do the results really pay off? Is it worth the fee?

The cost of this program is less than you’ll spend on your next smartphone. You can either continue to waste hours a day on that smartphone looking at social media while you’re bored at work… OR you can leap into a future of excitement, challenges, and growth. Most of the people I work with increase their income within six months. So, while this is an investment to consider, what you really cannot afford is continuing to settle for settling when you can have so much more.

I have a full-time job and the rest of my life to balance. How much time will it really take to complete the program?

I get it. You’ve got a lot on your plate. I’ve fine-tuned this approach to efficiently leverage time in line with results. Executives in Fortune 500 companies have successful built this program into their professional schedules.

For four months, you commit two hours for the 1:1 sessions. Most clients choose to spend additional time on their action plan because they know it will bring them results.

Eight to sixteen hours over four months is a small drop in the bucket, considering you spend almost 350 hours a month at work.

I think I may start my own company  or freelance. Is this program right for me?

In one word: no. There are many amazing programs available to help people transition to the entrepreneurial world. Get the best bang for your money and go to the experts. If you decide that you want to shift towards creating fierce impact, I look forward to speaking with you!

I deeply believe we can all make a lasting contribution to this world through our work. I know that this approach has made a difference, empowering people to fill their professional life with energy, growth and purpose.


When you’re ready to say goodbye to small expectations and 'enough' and instead create fierce impact for you and the world, I’m ready to welcome you to this program.


Let’s do this together!

Working with Nicole changed my entire approach to my career. I had been slowly moving forward but knew I could do more. By my seventh session, I was already approaching my career options in a new way. My then-employeer couldn't support my career growth. We parted ways. I am now an executive, in a global role, and making a difference in countries that most need it. My work matters!" 


Joice, VP of Investment, USA

“I was ready to give up. My husband and I were calculating how we could live on one salary. Then I worked with Nicole. It wasn’t easy, and it took months to make the transition, but now I’m in a position that stretches me. And we didn’t burn through our savings!”

Rebecca, Senior Developer, South Africa



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