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Nicole Trick Steinbach

I am a global coach and certified change management expert. I know that you can build the skill of bravery to create the career (and life!) of your biggest dreams.

I know because I am still doing it. 

Throughout my life I've been told that what I wanted wasn't going to happen. But deep inside, I knew that somehow, someday I could do it.

So, I went from a single-mother-working-multiple-jobs&still-on-welfare-childhood to a global career, successfully working in over 25 different countries.

I went from a childhood speech impediment to becoming a public speaker. I now speak English (American) and German (with accent), with some creative Spanish thrown in.

I went from massively in debt to debt-free (except mortgages) before I turned 30.

And more.

Now I am deeply passionate about supporting people just like you to build the career of your biggest dreams. 


My clients have built global careers that feed their ambition, their goals, and go on to inspire them to improve the world. By building their bravery, they have increased their income, accepted promotions, created new roles, deepened their relationships, stepped into new industries, moved to new countries, and turned hidden dreams into their daily reality. 

I am known for playfully ‘poking the bear’ with powerful questions that focus on the root cause. And then driving forward radical responsibility, for myself and my clients.

When you are ready to leap forward, I am ready to be your partner. You can have the career of your biggest, wildest dreams. 

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